16 Totnes High St TQ95RY. MoveForward Wellness Studio Totnes. There are 2 studios within the Wellness Studio available to hire.

This is a wellness studio, a space made around the philosophy of yoga. The studio welcomes any type of class which aims at wellbeing, keeping busy, community, health, and happiness. The studio is here for people to learn how to make the mind and body connection stronger, heal, socialise and how to incorporate all this into their everyday lives, not just in the classroom. 

Space for Hiring - There are three spaces within the Move Forward Wellness Studio Totnes.

Yoga mats and yoga equipment are available and including in the price.

Studio 1 - This space can fit 6/8 yoga mats comfortably, for an active movement class. However you can fit more people in the space for other styles of classes.

Studio 2 - This space can fit 10 yoga mats, for a mat based movement class. This is the bigger space, but also can fit more people comfortably for other styles of class/workshop.

You are welcome to come and view the spaces before booking.

You can book as much space as is available. Move forward would like for teachers to have a safe place to come and teach regular classes and find a home within the Move Forward Wellness Studio. Please get in touch.


Yoga to us, is a pragmatic science taken into a life style which helps you to find happiness within, rather than externally by unifying the mind, body and spirit. It is a life long quest, where we can be happy in ourselves, with the people around us and the world. 

Come asking questions and I hope Move Forward Wellness studio can answer them and give you what you need.

There is no such thing as normal, such as it’s normal for the sea to be blue, but there are many shades of blue.

Life has a flow, it’s time you joined yours.