

Adam Astor has been a practitioner in Thai massage and therapuetic flying for the last seven years. He will now be available for 45minute treatments, costing £35 at Moveforward Studio. The practise itself is a great way to relax, to communicate with your own body and to then come out feeling refreshed with elongated muscles.

Thai massage and flying therapuetics are two practises which when combined work really well together. They involve being lifted and supported, using the slow pouring of weight to develop the stretch needed. In short they are a type of massage that utilises the persons own body and gravity to ease manipulation of the body, rather than by using muscular effort.

This is a practise for otherwise healthy and fit bodies that have aching muscles. If you have a serious injury he will be unable to treat you, as perhaps a physio or doctor may be of more benefit to you.

To enquire or book:


Hayley runs her Collaborative Somatic Therapy practice from moveforward. 

What she offers / Mother Space:

One-to-One Collaborative Somatic Therapy sessions for mothers, exploring themes around:

- Motherhood and all it brings

- Processing challenging feelings

- Cultivating inner resources

- Creating space to Rest, Nourish & Replenish

- (Re)Connecting with your own body

- Navigating transitions

- Supporting your journey of Matrescence & Motherhood 

Themes are explored through the landscape of your body.

Collaborative Somatic Therapy sessions are also available for those in the wider community who are not mothers.

Hayley is a trauma informed somatic movement therapist with two decades of movement based facilitation experience and 13 years experience of offering body-oriented therapy.

For more information or to arrange a free 20 minute chat contact Hayley :

MoveForward is not liable for any food or drink consumed within any visiting workshops and will not be held responsible for any reactions due to consumption.